Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

GM food has not been tested on people or animals but authorities have given it a clean bill of health
April 24, 2008

GM food has not been tested on people or animals, except for GM peas. The GM peas showed such an adverse reaction in animals there will be no GM peas grown. The peas were tested by Australia’s CSIRO.

This lack of testing was also admitted by Rob Knowles head of food testing for Australia and New Zealand. He was a very nervous man when he was questioned by the presenter and audience of SBS’s Insight program. However when the right questions were asked he gave an honest answer: No GM food has been tested on people or animals, here or in America or Canada (European countries don’t want GM foods fullstop), although there has been many studies attempting to build a model to predict how such tests might go.

How did we reach this horrendously careless situation? Well, one of the largest GM companies is Monsanto, owned by formerly by Kerry Packer and possibly now by James. Several corrupt family members have been placing spin on everything for decades and have owned the media through which they conducted the spin. Monsanto is creating GM seeds and the pesticides and herbicides by which they are protected. It is also one of four comapnies that will own all the agricultural seed worldwide.

There is also an incredible fault in our media. Despite it being admitted that GM food has not been tested on animals and humans it went unreported in our electronic and print medias. FOOD STANDARDS AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND DID PRETEND THAT THEY HAD TESTED MICE, RATS AND POULTRY WITH GM GRAIN BUT IT WAS NOT FOR TOXICITY, IT WAS WHETHER THE YOUNG PUT ON A REQUIRED AMOUNT OF WEIGHT OVER DAYS.


Rudd’s sweeties hid away when it came to climate change – Canberra has now buried climate change as an issue
April 22, 2008

The Rudd smartie weekend revealed how deluded are the politicians, academics and hangers-on when it comes to climate change. Please realise that we have twenty years of the good life left. Well, give a few years less, and we had the mob in Canberra for the weekend patting themselves and their fellow attendees on the back

Al Gore says today in The Age that he imagined that the message on climate change would get through when people realised that the northern polar ice cap will not be there in 5 years. However it hasn’t. We are facing annihilation and the Canberra sweeties hid their eyes when it came to climate change. Understand that our kids have to be trained to survive civil unrest (no food and water) and extreme weather conditions.

Australia is going to be one of the hardest hit countries. This year it seems we will be buying in grain to keep our cereal and bread industries going.