Archive for the ‘Journalism’ Category

King hitter Nick D’Arcy’s been shafted for doing exactly what China is known for – excessive violence
April 18, 2008

So D’Arcy the Olympic king hitting swimmer has been shafted. It’s a surprise. He suited the Beijing Olympics so well. He was a thug, he was fast with his instruments and had practiced the punch to perfection. He had no scruples when hitting a mate at the bar and he had done it all before. He was following China’s lead on murderous oppression in Tibet to a T.

The Olympic authorities in Australia have no idea of how this decision will be denigrated. If they don’t appreciate violence, murder, brutal physical violence against women and children, they shouldn’t be having the Beijing Olympics. If you punish the participating athletes you must also punish the hosts.

Cut-out Kev day showed Opposition don’t think they’ve lost power
February 23, 2008

The cut-out Kevin day in Parliament reminded me of private school boys who think they have the ultimate power and ability. A Geelong private school once had its Melbourne football game canceled because of heavy rain. A Geelong match was hastily organised with a local orphanage. With the pressure off them the private school boys abused the orphans, played tricks on them, generally fooled around, and lost the match.

The opposition, with their Cut-out Kev, showed that they really don’t think they’ve lost and don’t realise they have to earn a living. Wait until they understand that they’ll have to do their own research and are no longer officially supported by departments. Then it will be really funny. All oppositions go through the period where they can’t question the government thoroughly because they have been so busy creating spin for themselves, and can’t get a handle on truth or fact.

Al Fayed’s brother-in-law, landmine dealer Adnan Khashoggi, in carpark before Diana’s car left hotel
February 20, 2008

Conspiracy theorists should make something of Adnan Khashoggi, arms dealer and landmine manufacturer and retailer, being in the hotel carpark before Princess Di’s car left.

Investigators follow the money and Princess Di was losing him plenty on landmine deals. Shouldn’t Al-Fayed’s brother-in-law be a suspect on the basis that he would benefit immensely from her death? I think there’s a whole new story to investigate here. Certainly as Al-Fayed’s evidence was merely opinion. Was he trying to keep the heat off his brother-in-law?

President Kennedy was murdered by Aristotle Onassis and those authorities that wanted to be rid of him
February 20, 2008

It’s extraordinary that papers are reporting today that the Warren Commission, run by those who hated President Kennedy, found that there was no conspiracy, as if the House Select Committee on Assassinations of 1979 had not found  that there was “a probable conspiracy to murder Kennedy.”

Aristotle Onassis orchestrated a group that included security agencies who wanted America rid of Kennedy. The murder was motivated by Onassis who was sleeping with Jackie prior to Dallas ( documented by JFK’s secretary), WHO HATED JOE KENNEDY AND HIS SONS BECAUSE THEY KEPT HIM FROM DOING BUSINESS IN AMERICA.  See Cleaning Up (Sceptre 1993) for the details of the links between Onassis, Hoover ( both cross dressers – how satirical can you get?) and Iron Bob Maheu and Lee Harvey Oswald.

Onassis and Jackie were shadowed by the security agencies (to mention them means this story would be censored – see stories of previous censorship) in the Med on the Christina as JFK requested, and so the agencies knew of Onassis’s hatred of the Kennedys.

Onassis was also desperate to prevent Jackie going to Dallas with Jack. Onassis who was banned from entering America on the day of the assassination attended tJack’s wake at the White House. Imagine the red tape massacre to allow him in so quickly.

The merciful Americans of arrogant influence and attitudes
January 2, 2008

I thought David Hicks had it tough being jailed for five years without charge or a hearing. Turns out the American justice system is very flawed. Leonard Peltier, a Sioux (Native American) has been jailed for close to thirty years for aiding and abetting two native Americans who were found not guilty of murdering two FBI agents. Strange he can be found guilty of aiding and abetting two who walked free nearly thirty years ago because they didn’t do it.

Here’s what a judge of the tenth circut of the Appeal Court found:
“Much of the government’s behaviour at the Pine Ridge reservation and the prosecution of Mr Peltier is to be condemned. The government witheld evidence. It intimidated witnesses. These facts are not disputed.”

After Peltier was found guilty his lawyers used Freedom of Information to discover that the FBI had fabricated the ballistics evidence to argue that Peltier had shot the agents in cold blood. The FBI has had to admit in court and to the parole commission that it had no evidence that he was involved in the shootings. The case has become a cause celebre for the Sioux nation and several documentaries (BBC) have been made to emphasise the injustice in Peltier’s case.

The FBI has used corrupt methods to keep Peltier in jail. It refuses to allow him to use the evidence that those who were acquitted were acting in self defence for the FBI agents were firing on a compund that held women and children. The agents were so far away that no one knew who was firing at the compound. It was also revealed that the acquitted were using .22 rifles and the agents were killed with large calibre weapons. Peltier denied he aided and abetted anyone and there is no evidence that he did. The FBI ignored the witness who said another individual had driven up to the FBI agents and shot them from behind (the agents must have known the man) and drove away. Also operating on the reservation were a marauding group of vigilantes supported by the American government. Often Sioux men who were arrested on bogus chargers never reached the police stations and were noted as having disappeared.

To research similar situations you would have to look at Australia’s treatment of aborigines, Indonesia’s treatment of East Timorese (with the support of Australia and America from 1975 to 2000 – that’s when the international  community turned against our attitude there) and the systems of government and oppression and suppression in Kenya, and Zimbabwe.

These things have to be remembered when dealing with the way our native people are treated by our justice system. Our current run of racial abuse (for incest) is obvious for there is no similar attack on incest in white communities. Well, not until the children are murdered and then we pretend it’s an isolated incident. Talk to the psychologists who are dealing with these children.

Let’s understand that although David Hicks was persecuted and tortured (he confessed to aiding terrorists to get out of jail where he had been incarcerated for over five years without charge or trial; I’m sure I’d do the same) there are a huge number of cases where the justice system goes along with bogus police evidence because the defendants don’t have proper defence.

In killing Benazir Bhutto Musharaff has proved himself a dog
December 28, 2007

Musharaff has proved himself the murdering dog that he is. Finally he has killed Benazir Bhutto and he’ll get away with it because he is being protected by Bush and the terrorists. America has paid him billions of dollars to maintain opposition to the terrorists who are bedded down in Pakistan’s mountains, so it behoves them to mouth support for him and his bogus democracy. Meanwhile the terrorists are unphased by the verbal campaign he has conducted against them. Al-Qaida has major bases in the rugged mountains and wants to stay there. They left Musharaf alone and he left them alone, besides assuring America he was on its side. Of course he was on his side and never had worthwhile results in tracking terrorists or ridding Pakistan of them.

Here’s a portion of an earlier post updated. Musharaff had more time than any leader supported for an alleged stand on terrorism. There has been no significant arrests or even discoveries during his time but his totalitarian attitude has prevailed against his people for the years he has been supported by America. When is American Security going to realise that to support the mealy-mouthed brutals will always be counter productive? Perhaps now. But how do average Americans change this? They don’t because they’re ruled, like Australia, by the wealthy of their country, and the wealthy want to have terrorists scaring the bejesus out of their people because that way they are easily ruled.

It’s very silly to imagine that they can rectify the Pakistan problem by attacking the mountains (that’s all it would be) with air power, because the country is even more rugged than Afghanistan and look how the West is faring there. Iraq would be a total pushover compared to Pakistan.

After Bali we know why Al will stand for presidential nomination
December 24, 2007

The planet needs new climate change leaders. Bali set no emission caps and no dates.  Are our leaders (and this includes Gore) dumb or do they think we’re fucking idiots?  In your own experience have you ever dealt with a benign corporation who would spend money on greening the planet? Look closely at those who do. They give to green charities (classed as such by themselves after spending several hundred thousand to get the paperwork right, and subsequently by governments) so they can claim tax cuts. These charities take the money knowing they are not to disturb the placid media, and the students at schools where they are developing alleged green curriculum. If they do they won’t get their next bunch of money. Everyone can be seen to be doing the right thing while they don’t curb emissions or do anything remotely connected with preventing the speed of climate change.

Al Gore was surprise. Leading the American team he fought against targets or dates and threatened to break apart any international agreement. He did support a totally meaningless international agreement that was toothless, impotent and should have been greeted with hysterical laughter: “Oh Jesus, we’re not going to do anything; that’s foul humour for you. ” The media generally supported the agreement as a breakthrough. They must have kept their bub’s grade logic.

And now for the encroaching weather change and Al Gore as President of the biggest emitter. He’s about to give up the planet for power. Now do we see what the human creature values most? Do we do anything about it?

America -with desert super bases – is to stay in Iraq forever, and the mainstream media didn’t tell you
December 22, 2007

For so long I tried to make a link between the US not wanting to sign up for cutting emissions and their reliance on oil. I could never make it, until now. Jim Holt in The London Review of Books (October) has helped me. He has shown readers that the United States feel they can rely on oil longer than any other country, and so establish continuing industrial dominance (you wondered why Bush was so arrogant didn’t you?) They can do this because Iraq has 115 billion barrels of known oil reserves, five times the total of the United States. According to experts there may also be another 300 billion barrels of undiscovered oil. In Iraq there has only been two thousand oil wells drilled but in Texas they have over a million. See the potential there? Well if you don’t, according to Jim Holt, the US forces are sitting on one quarter of the world’s oil resources.

Who will finally get this oil? In the draft bill, prepared by the US for the Iraqi Congress, Iraq will cede nearly all this oil to Western companies for the next thirty years. The Iraq oil company will retain seventeen of the present eighty oil fields. The undiscovered oil fields will all go to the western companies.

Now, you might ask, how will they be protected? Is the US simply behaving in the manner of a boastful pretender. Are they, by enforcing their authority on a country that appears to be thrashing them, simply attempting to impress the rest of the planet?

No, the US is serious, and to this end are building five super bases in the deserts of Iraq, each super base capable of holding twenty thousand men. The bases are well along and far from the urban terrorists. These men will control and protect all the oil infrastructure. America is to stay in Iraq forever. And remember the mainstream media hasn’t told you.

Australia never had a place in its culture for adventure, romance or experimenting with different ideas
December 21, 2007

The evidence in the Hicks case spells the end of Australian understanding of romance, adventure, and the thrill of experimenting with new ideas. We never really did understand, for our present hollow culture is more of the cruel, bureaucratic and vengeful genre. Let’s not kid ourselves. The fading culture that we glorified came from the David Hickses and Jack Thomases of the nation who took to the sniff of war in 1914 for comradeship and adventure. It didn’t come from our imitative, educated and ambitious classes who sacrificed fun for doubtful status. Doubtful because in the swim to the top of the horrible pile it means servility to those nations we wrongfully regarded as our superiors. Look at our subsequent distorted perceptions. Menzies imagined the Queen as a romantic, sexualised image. Keating thought Menzies correct and being opportunistic working class ( which used to have a strong culture) placed his hand on her waist and was splapped on the wrist by the media. How unbelievably banal and pathetic. If she had responded in a knowing way Keating would have rogered her without hesitation, later receiving the offer of a knighthood. Keating was a bit too real for our sick bureaucratic nation.

And are we going to pay for the nasty, obsequious drivel that our department heads foist on our lazy politicians.

The Hicks case shows just how far we have deprived ourselves of our democratic rights and the rule of law. It’s not just Hicks who has to prove himself innocent of terrorist sympathies, and being a future danger, it’s all of us. Don’t think so? Just remember the environmental protesters who were arrested in the UK under such laws a few weeks ago.

And who may have beenthe role models for Hicks and Thomas in the thirties? Why, George Orwell and Arthur Koestler. They took the communist side in the Spanish civil war. Each of them were condemned to death and each were subject to a mock execution. Read terrorist for communist in that conflict. However they each saw the error of the side they had chosen and wrote revealing texts on it. Texts we still turn to for enlightenment.

December 18, 2007

Following my suspicion that the CIA had censored my post on their torturers having sexual pleasure at the expense of their victims, a correspondent has contacted me with the figures published in a recent Harpers magazine. Since June 2004 Wikipedia has had 310 entries censored and re-written (edited) by the CIA.

I no longer suspect that I’m paranoid. And I was tested. My phone/computer line crashed the day the story appeared in the News Diary in The Age (edited by Suzanne Carbone) and during the evening the lights in the house fused out.

Each event had rational explanation. The phone line was torn from its socket when an extremely large truck (no one has seen one so large prior to this – evidence is that the line hadn’t previously been broken) rounded my corner and stripped the line from the lamp post.

I discovered that the lights had fused out because the lights in my wife’s new gallery (Shed 47, Talbot) was an overload when two freezers came on. See, simple explanations. No need to rush out to purchase dogs and other armaments.