Archive for the ‘HistoryEnvironment’ Category

America -with desert super bases – is to stay in Iraq forever, and the mainstream media didn’t tell you
December 22, 2007

For so long I tried to make a link between the US not wanting to sign up for cutting emissions and their reliance on oil. I could never make it, until now. Jim Holt in The London Review of Books (October) has helped me. He has shown readers that the United States feel they can rely on oil longer than any other country, and so establish continuing industrial dominance (you wondered why Bush was so arrogant didn’t you?) They can do this because Iraq has 115 billion barrels of known oil reserves, five times the total of the United States. According to experts there may also be another 300 billion barrels of undiscovered oil. In Iraq there has only been two thousand oil wells drilled but in Texas they have over a million. See the potential there? Well if you don’t, according to Jim Holt, the US forces are sitting on one quarter of the world’s oil resources.

Who will finally get this oil? In the draft bill, prepared by the US for the Iraqi Congress, Iraq will cede nearly all this oil to Western companies for the next thirty years. The Iraq oil company will retain seventeen of the present eighty oil fields. The undiscovered oil fields will all go to the western companies.

Now, you might ask, how will they be protected? Is the US simply behaving in the manner of a boastful pretender. Are they, by enforcing their authority on a country that appears to be thrashing them, simply attempting to impress the rest of the planet?

No, the US is serious, and to this end are building five super bases in the deserts of Iraq, each super base capable of holding twenty thousand men. The bases are well along and far from the urban terrorists. These men will control and protect all the oil infrastructure. America is to stay in Iraq forever. And remember the mainstream media hasn’t told you.